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Thursday, March 2, 2017

What is Money? - Apa itu Wang?

Everyone needs money. Some even say money is the most important thing in life. But the truth is, when asked what is money? Surprisingly, not many know the answer. Are you one of them? Do you know what is money?

- Sincerely ask yourself, do you really know the answer?


The answer is:  ~ CLICK HERE ~

Did you get the correct answer? 

The truth is not many people knows what Money really is but they are willing to conclude and assume that money is the most important thing is their life. 

In psychology, this cognitive barrier is referred to as the 'illusion of explanatory depth'. It means you think you fully understand something that you actually don’t. Do not assume we know everything because the first step to remedying any deficiency in ourselves is to acknowledge our weaknesses by admitting we don’t know what we don’t know. 

By doing this, we’ve made a powerful proclamation about our future potential to become wiser and more knowledgeable.

Just like what Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu used to say, "Dakwah is like washing clothes with your hands; before the clothes get cleaned, your hands are already cleaner than the clothes. When you share the message of dakwah with others, you'll gain more knowledge and will understand the message better...


Wang ialah satu 'surat perjanjian' - seperti surat pajat gadai...

"Money is 'an agreement receipt/contract' between you and your banker."

Pelik dan heran kan? Setiap hari orang pergi cari wang. Semua orang mau wang tapi bila ditanya apa itu wang, tak ramai yg tahu jawapannya...oleh itu, apa yang sedang dicari oleh mereka setiap hari? Macam mana nak cari sesuatu yang kamu tak tahu....

Inilah dimanakan 'illusion of explanatory depth'. Maksudnya, kita ingat kita tahu tapi sebenarnya apabila disuruh untuk jelaskannya, terbukti kita tak tahu...

Macam agama 'Islam'....contohnya; Soalan seperti, "Apa itu wahabi?"

Semua orang ingat dia tahu jawapan untuk soalan ini tapi hakikatnya apabila disuruh untuk memperjelaskannya...ramai yang tak tahu jawapannya (mereka reka jawapan sendiri dalam otak mereka tanpa fakta/dalil/bukti - creating own illusion)...

Oleh kerana (kejahilan) ini, ramai yang salah gunakan perkataan ini untuk melabel dan menuduh mereka yang ingin jadi seorang Muslim yang ikut ajaran Sunnah Rasulullah SAW...


This is the danger of 'illusion of explanatory depth'...


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