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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trust Obligations in Islam

The meaning of amanah is trustworthiness. That is, to be honest, fair in dealings and honoring trusts, reliability, keeping promises and honoring commitments. Trustworthiness further enhances the integrity and sound moral conduct that is inherent in the notion of honesty. 

This is an important part of the noble Islamic character of being trustworthy. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was known, even before his Prophethood as Al Amin (the trustworthy one).

It was narrated that Ibn Lutaybiyah was an Amil (tax collector) during the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). One day, when Ibn Lutaybiyah returned to Madinah, he was seen loaded with tax revenues and asserted that a substantive portion of the revenue was given to him as tokens from certain people.

The Prophet (pbuh) reminded him by saying:
“What is wrong with the man whom we appointed as a tax collector and he said this is for tax and that was given to me (as tokens)?

If he (the tax collector) stayed in his parent’s house, would something be given to him?” (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) also said:
“Whomever we appoint over an affair, we shall give him provision. What he takes after that is breach of trust.” (Narrated by Abu Daud)

The Quran says:
Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. 

In Islam, every believer is a brother or sister to the other; we should be able to trust each other. The right hand must be able to trust the left hand. When God commands us to keep the trust, to be trustworthy, it is not a matter to be taken lightly. Trust is inherent in being one who is submitted to the will of God.

The Quran says:
“Those who are faithfully true to their amanah (all the duties which Allah SWT has ordained, justice, honesty, moral responsibility, trusts, etc.) and to their covenants.....these indeed are the inheritors. Who shall inherit Paradise. And dwell therein forever” (QS 23:8, 23:10-11)


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