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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Are all the non-Muslims kafir?

The word kafir derived from the arabic word 'kufur'. The meaning of kufur is 'to cover' or 'to conceal' something. Thus, the word 'kafir' is actually referring to someone (or something) who is covering up or concealing something.

So, the true meaning of the word 'kafir' is 'concealer', one who conceals the truth of Islam. Therefore, to qualify in becoming a kafir, one must possess the knowledge of Islam first, then hide it up by concealing the truth or by defying it.

There are no specific verses in the Quran and authentic hadith that says all non-Muslims are kafir. The word kafir (plural kafirun) is used directly 134 times in Qur'an, its verbal noun "kufr" is used 37 times, and the verbal cognates of kafir are used about 250 times. But never once did the Quran says that all non Muslims are kafir.

When the Prophet (pbuh) addresses the non-Muslims to convey his message, he never once said, ‘O Kafirs’ or 'O non-believer', but rather ‘O man’ or ‘O people’ using the plural form. He continued to use this form of address throughout his life. That is, to him, all those who had not entered the fold of Islam were simply human beings (an nas or insan).

In Surah an-Nas verse 1, the Quran teaches the Muslims to say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind". Doesn't the word 'mankind' inclusive of Muslims and non-Muslims altogether? Allah SWT is not the God for Muslims only but He is the God of all Humanity.

The Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) called the non-Muslim in many different ways and names. For example, in Surah at Taubah verse 30, Allah SWT refers the non-Muslim as Jews and Christians even though they call Ezra and the Messiah as 'Son of Allah'.

In Surah ar-Rum verse 2, the Quran never say 'kafir' but refer the non-Muslim only as Byzantines (Roman). The Quran also refers the non-Muslims as the "People of the Book' in some verses of the Quran and the Muslims are permitted to engage in marriage with them (QS 5:5).

Similarly in Surah al-Fil verse 1, the Quran mentioned 'Abraha', the non-Muslim ruler of Yaman who rode on elephant to attack Makkah, but still the Quran does not refer him as ‘kafir’, but rather as the “man of the elephants”.

But most of the biased Muslims and political leaders of today generalize and call all the non-Muslims in Malaysia as kafir. I was wondering, how sure are they that all the non-Muslim in Malaysia possesses the true knowledge of Islam? Have they fulfilled the obligation of dakwah by spreading the true teaching of Islam to them?

Worst still, how about those non-Muslims that only knew Islam through the action and behavior of the Muslims in their community? How do you expect someone that know nothing about Islam but had seen the evils, discrimination, oppression, corruption and tyranny (of the Muslims) to embrace Islam?

It is always safest to assume that a non-Muslim has been misguided or misinformed about Islam than to refer them as kafir. The word kafir was not used on all the non-Muslims in the Quran but only referring it to a certain group of denier and concealer of the Truth. The Quran clearly says:

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is rightly guided." (QS 16:125)


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