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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Peribahasa Cina - Buruk Prasangka

Peribahasa Cina; 杯弓蛇影 (Bēi-gōng-shé-yǐng)

"Bayang-bayang panah (di cawan) di anggap ular..."

"Mistaking the reflection of a bow (in the cup of tea) as a snake..."

This proverb asks us not to be overly suspicious and scare ourselves with something we don't know. A suspicious mind is always relentlessly spotting negative hidden meanings in their life.

It can be a devastating way to live, viewing the world through a hyper-vigilant lens, and left unchecked, suspicious thinking can evolve into a paranoid personality disorder.

Do you twist simple and clear cut messages into something deeper and even unbelievable by the usual standards of interactions?

Reading between the lines of every single word, interaction, and action is bound to leave you assuming things that aren't even there.

Over-analysis leads to paralysis because you suspect everything and everyone instead of getting on with your life.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Berhati-hatilah kalian dari tindakan berprasangka buruk, kerana prasangka buruk adalah sedusta-dusta ucapan. Janganlah kalian saling mencari keburukan orang lain, saling inti-mengintip, saling mendengki, saling membelakangi, dan saling membenci. Jadilah kalian hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara” (HR Al-Bukhari no. 6064 dan Muslim no. 2563)

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud;
“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan berprasangka, kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari prasangka itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain” (QS 49:12)

Manusia zaman kini terlalu bergantung pada jawapan-2 segera dari para asatizah untuk menyelesaikan masalah ugama mereka kerana setiap permasalahan yang timbul dalam kehidupan pasti mempunyai aturan hukumnya dalam syariat Islam.

Tetapi malangnya, mereka tidak berminat langsung untuk memahami dalil dan kaedah fiqh dalam syariat Islam dan hanya bergantung kepada jawapan segera yang disuapkan kepadanya oleh pihak ketiga.

Jika keadaan ini berterusan, umat Islam akan menjadi lemah sebagaimana seorang akan kehilangan keupayaan untuk berkira-kira dalam ilmu mathematik apabila terlalu kerap menggunakan kalkulator.

Apabila umat Islam tidak mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang benar untuk mempertahankan diri dari kejahilan, ia akan senang diserang dengan penyakit kebathilan. Mereka akan takut pada segala yang mereka tidak ketahui, walaupun ianya hanyalah bayang2 mereka sendiri.

Mereka akan beramal dengan kepercayaan khurafat dan bersikap defensif dan agresif terhadap perkara2 yang mereka tiada berpengetahuan tentangnya. Umat Islam dalam masyarakat itu akan jadi bodoh sombong dan seterusnya menjadi pengecut yang sentiasa berprasangka.

Akibat dari kebathilan ini, umat Islam pada hari ini hanya cintakan dunia, kekayaan, pangkat, kuasa dan kenamaan. Puak ini tidak memahami asas ajaran Islam dan memperlekehkan perintah Allah SWT.

Mereka hanya menerima hal-hal yang sesuai dengan tuntutan hawa nafsunya, sedangkan hal-hal ini yang jelas bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam.

Inilah yang dimanakan 'Penyakit Wahan'. Penyakit ini ditanam ke dalam hati manusia yang lalai dengan perintah Allah SWT. Penyakit ini akan mematikan hati dan roh seseorang sehingga menyebabkannya penderitaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:

“Hampir tiba suatu masa dimana bangsa-bangsa dari seluruh dunia akan datang mengerumuni kamu seperti orang-orang yang kelaparan mengerumuni talam hidangan mereka."

Lalu salah seorang sahabat bertanya, “Adakah kerana saat itu jumlah kami sedikit?”

Maka Rasulullah pun menjawab, "Tidak, bahkan kalian banyak seperti buih yang mengapung di lautan. Dan Allah akan mencabut rasa gentar dari dada musuh kalian terhadap kalian. Dan Allah akan menanamkan dalam hati kalian penyakit Al-Wahan.”

Seorang sahabat bertanya: ”Ya Rasulullah, apakah Al-Wahan itu?” Nabi SAW bersabda: ”Cinta dunia dan takut akan kematian.” (HR Abu Dawud 3745, Ahmad dll)


Monday, February 27, 2017

Peribahasa Cina - Flies never infest an egg without cracks

Peribahasa Cina; 初生之犊不怕虎
(cāngyíng bù dīng wú fèng dàn)

"Lalat tidak akan bertelur kat telur yang tidak merekah (telur busuk)..."

"Flies never infest an egg without cracks..."

- Cracked eggs that yield odours are as attractive to flies as problematic children to gangsterism or bad company. Don't blame the influence of the community (or neighbours or friends) for our child's' bad behaviour or upbringing when we ourselves didn't teach them morals and ethics.

The Quran says;
"Not equal are the evil and the good, although the abundance of evil might impress you." So fear Allah , O you of understanding, that you may be successful." (QS 5:100)


Peribahasa Cina - Right tool right job

Peribahasa Cina; 巧妇难为无米之炊 (Qiǎofù nán wéi wú mǐ zhī chuī)

"Sepandai-pandai seorang bini yang pandai memasak, dia tak boleh masak nasi tanpa beras..."

Even the cleverest housewife cannot cook rice without rice.

- Without the right material, no matter how good you are, you may not accomplish the task.

For example; "A Muslim cannot become a good Muslim if without the proper guidance from the al-Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)..."

The Quran says:
"This is a Book which We have revealed to you, that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord - to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy -" (QS 14:1)


Peribahasa Cina - Sekecil-kecil sikap, sebesar-besar masalah

Peribahasa Cina; 千里之堤溃于蚁穴 (Qiān lǐ zhī dī, kuì yú yǐxué)

"Satu lubang semut boleh runtuhkan sebuah empangan..."

- Sekecil-kecil sikap, sebesar-besar masalah. Apabila terlepas pandang satu masalah kecil, kelak ia akan mendatangkan masalah besar.

"An ant may well destroy an entire dam..."

- If a small problem is overlooked, it could develop into a big disaster as ant can multiply, making tunnels in the dam to allow water soak in and consequently bring it to a collapse.

For example:

The Quran says:
“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a fasiqun (disobedient or defying person) with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become regretful over what you have done.” (QS 49:6 )

Sharing is not always caring. Sharing without proper authentication and certainty is destruction. Going viral with a piece of information is as simple as clicking a button. But if we go viral with something we are not sure about, it may destroy the life of an innocent person.


Peribahasa Cina - Jangan jadi Pengkhianat

Peribahasa cina; 宁可负我,切莫负人 (Nìngkě fù wǒ, qiè mò fù rén)

"Biarpun orang khianat kita, jangan sekali-kali kita khianati orang..."

"Would rather be betrayed by others than betraying them..."

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
"Tanda-tanda orang munafik itu ada tiga, jika berbicara ia berbohong, jika berjanji ia ingkar dan jika diberi kepercayaan ia khianat. (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)

Allah SWT berfirman (maksudnya); "Allah tidak menjayakan tipu daya orang-orang yang khianat." (QS 12:52)

Allah SWT berfirman (maksudnya); "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengkhianati Allah dan RasulNya dan janganlah kamu mengkhianati amanah-amanah yang dipercayakan kepadamu, sedang kamu mengetahui." (QS 8:27)


Peribahasa Cina - Pentingnya menjaga tali silaturahmi

Peribahasa Cina; 交个朋友多条路,树个敌人多堵墙 (Jiāo gè péngyou duō tiáo lù, shù gè dírén duō dǔ qiáng)

"Kenali satu kawan adalah ibarat buka satu jalan baru, buat satu musuh adalah ibarat bina satu dinding penghalang..."

"A friend made is a road paved; an enemy created is a wall built..." 

Friends (or relatives) will help you while an enemy or people who you offended may go against you. 
We should make more friends than enemies.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
"Barang siapa yang ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dipanjangkan umur, maka hendaklah dia menyambung tali silaturahim." (Muttafaqun ‘alaihi)

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
"Oleh itu, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan perbaikilah keadaan perhubungan di antara kamu..." (QS 8:1)

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
"Sebenarnya orang-orang mukmin itu bersaudara. Maka damaikanlah diantara dua saudara kamu yang bertengkar itu dan bertakwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat." (QS 49:10)


Peribahasa Cina - Tamak Manusia

Peribahasa Cina; 人心不足蛇吞象 (rénxīn bùzú shé tūn xiàng)

"Tamak manusia adalah ibarat ular nak telan gajah..." (mati pun mau telan)

"A man's greed is like a snake that wants to swallow an elephant..." (a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Seandainya anak keturunan Adam diberi satu lembah penuh dengan emas niscaya dia masih akan menginginkan yang kedua. Jika diberi lembah emas yang kedua maka dia menginginkan lembah emas ketiga. Tidak akan pernah menyumbat rongga anak Adam selain tanah, dan Allah menerima taubat bagi siapa pun yang mau bertaubat.” (HR. Al-Bukhari No.6438)

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
“Hai orang-orang beriman, janganlah harta dan anak-anak kalian melalaikan kalian dari mengingat Allah. Barangsiapa yang berbuat demikian maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang merugi.” (QS. Al-Munafiqun: 9)


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Are all the non-Muslims kafir?

The word kafir derived from the arabic word 'kufur'. The meaning of kufur is 'to cover' or 'to conceal' something. Thus, the word 'kafir' is actually referring to someone (or something) who is covering up or concealing something.

So, the true meaning of the word 'kafir' is 'concealer', one who conceals the truth of Islam. Therefore, to qualify in becoming a kafir, one must possess the knowledge of Islam first, then hide it up by concealing the truth or by defying it.

There are no specific verses in the Quran and authentic hadith that says all non-Muslims are kafir. The word kafir (plural kafirun) is used directly 134 times in Qur'an, its verbal noun "kufr" is used 37 times, and the verbal cognates of kafir are used about 250 times. But never once did the Quran says that all non Muslims are kafir.

When the Prophet (pbuh) addresses the non-Muslims to convey his message, he never once said, ‘O Kafirs’ or 'O non-believer', but rather ‘O man’ or ‘O people’ using the plural form. He continued to use this form of address throughout his life. That is, to him, all those who had not entered the fold of Islam were simply human beings (an nas or insan).

In Surah an-Nas verse 1, the Quran teaches the Muslims to say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind". Doesn't the word 'mankind' inclusive of Muslims and non-Muslims altogether? Allah SWT is not the God for Muslims only but He is the God of all Humanity.

The Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) called the non-Muslim in many different ways and names. For example, in Surah at Taubah verse 30, Allah SWT refers the non-Muslim as Jews and Christians even though they call Ezra and the Messiah as 'Son of Allah'.

In Surah ar-Rum verse 2, the Quran never say 'kafir' but refer the non-Muslim only as Byzantines (Roman). The Quran also refers the non-Muslims as the "People of the Book' in some verses of the Quran and the Muslims are permitted to engage in marriage with them (QS 5:5).

Similarly in Surah al-Fil verse 1, the Quran mentioned 'Abraha', the non-Muslim ruler of Yaman who rode on elephant to attack Makkah, but still the Quran does not refer him as ‘kafir’, but rather as the “man of the elephants”.

But most of the biased Muslims and political leaders of today generalize and call all the non-Muslims in Malaysia as kafir. I was wondering, how sure are they that all the non-Muslim in Malaysia possesses the true knowledge of Islam? Have they fulfilled the obligation of dakwah by spreading the true teaching of Islam to them?

Worst still, how about those non-Muslims that only knew Islam through the action and behavior of the Muslims in their community? How do you expect someone that know nothing about Islam but had seen the evils, discrimination, oppression, corruption and tyranny (of the Muslims) to embrace Islam?

It is always safest to assume that a non-Muslim has been misguided or misinformed about Islam than to refer them as kafir. The word kafir was not used on all the non-Muslims in the Quran but only referring it to a certain group of denier and concealer of the Truth. The Quran clearly says:

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is rightly guided." (QS 16:125)


Happy wife, happy life...

Sharing the responsibilities after marriage are very much encouraged in Islam. There are many hadiths that shown the good examples of how the Prophet (pbuh) helped with the house chores. Islam refers a marriage as a solemn covenant or agreement between husband and wife (QS 4:21).

Since no agreement can be reached between the parties unless they give their consent to it, marriage can be contracted only with the free consent of the two parties. Islam gives women a substantial role in choosing their own life partners. The Quran says;

"Do not prevent them from marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a lawful manner." (QS 2:232)

A successful marriage requires love and understanding. Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through becoming the right mate.

In Islam, sexual intimacy between husband and wife is more than seeking a relief from the urge of desire. Indeed, the prophet taught us that sexual intimacy is one of the charities encouraged in Islam. He said to his companions, enumerating examples of charitable deeds:

"And when one of you makes love (has sex with his legal wife) it is a rewardable charity. "

His companions were surprised and asked him' 'How come answering the urge of their desire gets the reward of charity? The prophet answered:

Don't you see that if he does the same but in a forbidden situation it would be counted against him as a sin? And so if he does it in legitimacy it is counted for him as a charity." (HR Muslim)

Taking care of each other needs is another prerequisite requirement in married lives. The Prophet (pbuh) gave an analogical example (I REPEAT, ANALOGICAL EXAMPLE) about consenting to a husband request even if on a camel back to his Companion regarding sexual demands from their married partners.

This is clearly not an edict or order in Islam but an analogy that the Prophet (pbuh) gave, to indicates how prudent and sensible it is to cater for each other needs once a couple is legally married.

Husband and wife shouldn't withhold the needs of their spouse and it work both ways. If the game of withholding starts in a family, all hell run loose. How to lead a peaceful and happy married life like that? As the Prophet (pbuh) reminds us in many hadith:

“Admonish your wives with kindness.”


No racism in Islam

One of the main contributors that have weakened the Muslim ummah is the disease of asabiyyah (racial discrimination). The once unified and cohesive Muslim ummah has now transformed into differing and conflicting entities due to this disease.

The drive that causes asabiyyah is the feeling of being better than others and that others are at a lower class. So, the person that has this feeling of asabiyyah thinks so highly of themselves and of those to whom they belong and thinks that other people will never be as good as them.

Islam promotes altruistic and cooperative behaviors in a multicultural society to promote social cohesion among humans in forming communities. This is why Islam is very much against racial discrimination (sifat asabiyyah) in the form of tribalism.

Narrated by at-Tabarani and al-Hakim that in one incident some people spoke very lowly about Salman al-Farsi. They spoke of the inferiority of the Persian in relation to the Arabs, and upon hearing this the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) declared, "Salman is from us, the ahl al-bayt (the Prophet's family)."

This statement of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) disassociates all links based on lineage and tribal considerations.

It was also transmitted, in two different versions, by Ibn al-Mubarak in his two books, Al-Birr and As-Salah, that some disagreement occurred between Abu Dharr and Bilal and Abu Dharr said to Bilal, "You son of a black woman."

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was extremely upset by Abu Dharr's comment, so he rebuked him by saying, "That is too much, Abu Dharr.

The Prophet (pbuh) said; "He who has a white mother has no advantage which makes him better than the son of a black mother."

This rebuke had a profound effect on Abu Dharr, who then put his head on the ground swearing that he would not raise it until Bilal had put his foot over it.

These incidents demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick together and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they come from different tribes. No tribalistic ties should ever break the unity of ummah.

Narrated by Abu Dawud that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyah, (racism/tribalism) or who fights for asabiyah or who dies for asabiyah."


Answering Misconceptions by Bro Amin Yaakob

Answering Misconceptions:

 - Al-Quran pun belum habis baca nak kaji kitab-kitab lain?

- by Bro Amin Yaakob

Monday, February 13, 2017

Kursus Sirah Rasulullah SAW Part 1

Bahagian Pertama dalam mendalami perjalanan kehidupan Rasullullah s.a.w yang sangat kita cintai.

Bermula dengan pengenalan tentang keadaan di tanah Arab sebelum kedatangan Islam.

Kisah sejarah ditelusuri dengan penerangan yang mengikut konteks suasana ketika untuk memudahkan pemahaman para peserta.

Sumber kursus ini hanyalah dari Al-Qur'an dan hadith-hadith sahih serta buku Sirah yang terkenal.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk mengenali Rasullullah s.a.w, insan yang akan memberi syafaat kepada kita kelak (insya-Allah), 25-26 Feb ini, 9am-5.30pm di IDT Centre.

Hubungi Azrol di 013-455 4318 untuk mendaftar.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Setiap tahun seramai 6 ribu hingga 7 ribu orang masuk Islam di Malaysia, malangnya hanya beberapa orang sahaja yang mahir dalam menguruskan mualaf.

Jika dilihat setiap tahun kesalahan yang sama di ulang ulang kerana kebanyakan kita tidak belajar cara Dan teknik pengurusan mualaf

🤔Anda mempunyai mualaf di dalam komuniti anda?
🤔Bagaimana hendak membimbing mereka kepada ajaran Islam?
🤔Bolehkah mualaf diajar menggunakan kaedah yang sama seperti pengajaran untuk mereka yang lahir Islam?
🤔Selepas seseorang bersyahadah di dalam masjid/ surau komuniti kita, apakah langkah seterusnya perlu diambil?

1. Siapa itu mualaf?
2. Apakah cabaran mualaf selepas bersyahadah?
3. Soalan lazim dari mualaf
4. Kaedah membimbing mualaf
5. Prosedur pengislaman (pendaftaran dsb.)
6. Kajian kes melibatkan mualaf
7. Temuramah bersama mualaf


Siapa yang harus hadir?
Ustaz, pendakwah, pelajar agama Dan semua yang minat berdakwah

🗓11-12 FEBRUARY 2017
⏰9.00 am - 5.00 pm
🏁Interactive Dakwah Training & Enterprise, No 14-2, Jalan 3/27F Desa Setapak Wangsa Maju 53300 KL
💰Yuran : RM 30

Bro Azroll : 013-455 4318
Bro Syukhri : 013-676 7121

📍Bayar kepada:
CIMB : 8006-8979-84

🎉Jom sertai kami dalam kursus Pengurusan Mualaf di IDT Centre, Wangsa Maju!